Week 10

The past 2 weeks have meet with some progress on our project. Evelia tried to rally enough people on the Monday of spring break to get the track components moved over to the new location, but was unsuccessful due to it being break. How ever we were able to get enough people to move the junctino portion of the track this Monday, and were able to successfully move the rest of the track during our meeting time today with the help of the rest of the Superway Teams.

While Evelia tackled getting the track moved I took the time to contacted all of manufacturers from the list to see if any of them would be able to fabricate out third rail design. Sadly none of the manufacturers in the area that I was able to find are able to bend 2" steel tubing around the corners. This hinders our plans and gives us two options that I can think of.

  1. Widen our range of where we get the third rail manufactured. This might allow us to find some more industrial fabricators capable of this, but will drastically increase time due to the distance, and probably the cost.
  2. Modify the third rail design so that it is just a normal bend instead of a bend around the corner. This will make it much easier to get produced as Master Metal is capable of this, but it is dependent on whether the bogie's track selection wheel will work with a vertical running surface. 


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