Project Beginnings

Over the past week I have been going through last year's reports from the full scale track team and supports and railings team, as well as the summer group's track expansion team. Based on what I read, as well as the recommendations to futures teams from the reports, I think there are two things that the full scale guideway team should focus on this year.

First I think that we need to review the summer team's design on the track junctions, and finalize either their design, or a all new one. The team did great work over the summer, but as their goal was to add the expansion to the wooden system that was built last year, their design focused on expanding that model. While we can use, or base a new design off of their work, we also need to ensure we design the junction with long term use in mind, out of metal, and ensure that the bogie cannot physically fall off the tracks at any point.

Secondly, we need to make progress towards designing the curved portions of the track. The team last year had that on their original goals, but due to their manpower were unable to work towards that target. This also heavily ties into the junction design, as junctions will be involved at every point where the bogie must change tracks, including possible zipper stations, as well as 90 degree turns when changing directions of travel.

The last big challenge we have for this project is that we much communicate heavily with bogie and wayside power teams this year to ensure that everyone's designs and systems work together fluidly.


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